Emotions in Environmental and Sustainability Education Research Group

Who we are

We are 28 researchers from 9 different countries who first came together at the European Conference for Educational Research in Glasgow in 2023. We connected over our shared interest in environmental and sustainability education and our perception that still, emotions and affect play too little a role in this research field, even though it is highly relevant for learning and teaching about the climate crisis and environmental destruction and regeneration. We develop joint research for educators and researchers alike, as well as aim to generate a space for emotions-sensitive practices in academia.

Our latest research papers

Listen/watch more from us

Podcast interview for Klimatekot, moderated by Elin Leyonberg, publised 29 February 2024: Känslor påverkar teknikutbildning. In Swedish https://poddtoppen.se/podcast/1457709094/klimatekot/kanslor-paverkar-teknikutvecklingen

Lönngren, J. (2024). Engineers are human beings too: Dealing with values, emotions and morality. Video-recorded lecture for science and engineering educators at NTNU in Trondheim, Norway. https://www.ntnu.no/documents/1291633824/1297304865/Lonngren-Workshop3.mp4/cec6f6d7-3662-3913-5a20-3c94122835f9?t=1709898825995

Our leadership

Convener: Prof. Dr. Mandy Singer-Brodowski, University of Regensburg, Germany

Co-convener: Prof. Dr. Johanna Lönngren, Umeå University, Sweden

Co-convener: Dr. Lisa Jones, University of Hull, United Kingdom

Co-convener: Julius Grund, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany

Operational manager: Emma Heikkilä, University of Helsinki, Finland

Scientific communicator: Juliane Höhle, Ghent University, Belgium

Do you want to join our group?

If you are interested in the kind of research we are doing and would like to become part of our group with your knowledge and expertise, please reach out to us! We are very happy to get to know you!

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